Saturday, July 20, 2013

Once Again, I'm Defending The People of Riverwest

I'm tired of defending Riverwest from inaccurate news reporting. Is Riverwest perfect? No. But, it appears that the local news only thinks that the entire City of Milwaukee is made up of one neighborhood - Riverwest.

The unfortunate news of the triple shooting near Meinecke and First Street left another blow on Riverwest - even though this didn't occur within the neighborhood. The media referred to this location as "near Riverwest." I'm not familiar with the "near Riverwest" neighborhood. Can anyone show me this on the attached map?


I'm singling out our local Fox news team - but, all local news reporters are guilty of this. Get your facts straight.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Are the tax benefits of homeownership at risk?

Tax Reform is underway on Capitol Hill. The Senate has adopted a “Blank Slate” approach that initially eliminates every provision in the tax code, including those that encourage real estate ownership and investment.

Senators must submit their tax reform priorities to Senate leaders by July 26th. Americans need to make their voices heard now so real estate provisions are on the top of the Senators' lists.

When approaching tax reform, Congress should be careful not to inflict adverse consequences on either the economy or the unique legacy that homeownership and real estate investment have contributed to making our country prosperous.

Tax reform should above all “Do No Harm”.

Please contact your Senator and encourage Congress to retain tax provisions vital to real estate.

Thank you,